News | Reduction Roadmap presentation at Aarhus School of Architecture
Reduction Roadmap presentation at Aarhus School of Architecture
Reduction Roadmap presentation at Aarhus School of Architecture

The green transition of the building industry is already happening at full speed. Architecture practices across the country are rethinking their approaches and developing new sustainable solutions. However, for the industry to accelerate the transition, we need to work together towards concrete goals. 

For the first time ever, the reduction roadmap translates the Paris Agreement and the Planetary Boundary for Climate Change into industry-specific carbon reduction targets for new Danish housing projects. Join us in Aarhus for the debate as we ask, How do we act on the reduction targets across the value chain now that the industry has a common outset?

The event, in Danish, will take place on January 12th  at 15:00 at the Aarhus School of Architecture. It is free to participate.

- Coffee and networking
- Welcome
- Status of Denmark's climate goals / Per Heiselberg, Climate Council
- Presentation of the Reduction Roadmap / Sinus Lynge, EFFEKT / Mikkel Hallundbæk Schlesinger, CEBRA / Steffen Maagaard, Moe
- Best practice projects: Intro to the 4 to 1 planet / Michael Rasmussen, Villum Fonden. Living Places / Lone Feifer, Velux
- Interview: Hvordan uddanner arkitektskolen til fremtiden? / Lotte Bjerregaard, Aarhus School of Architecture 
- Dialogue: Hvordan handler vi på reduktionsmålene på tværs af værdikæden
- Networking and refreshments

 Anne Katrine Harders, Danish Architecture Center, is moderator.

The event is made in collaboration with Danish Architecture Center, Moe, CEBRA and the Aarhus School of Architecture. 

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