News | Sinus Lynge to speak at Green Building 2022 conference
Sinus Lynge to speak at Green Building 2022 conference
Sinus Lynge to speak at Green Building 2022 conference

EFFEKT Partner Sinus Lynge is among the invited speakers intervening in the digital conference Green Building 2022 – taking place online on February 22nd, 2022.

The programme is structured to reflect the issues debated at the COP26 in Glasgow and is divided in four blocks: Zero carbon, Adaptation and Resilience, Financing and Working Together.

Sinus will take part in the segment “Adaptation and Resilience” scheduled at 14:30 CEST, with an intervention named “Build for Life - towards a new building culture”.

A number of renowned speakers will present their approach to implementation of Green Deal goals and show how to profit from them, including Michala Hergetová , Rick Fedrizzi  (IWBI),  Benoit Bazin (Saint-Gobain),  Paul King (Lendlease Europe),  Petr Špaček (Skanska Central Europe), Jan Baxa (IMMO),  Dusty Gedge (European Federation of Green Roof and Living Wall Associations), Jakub Tomaštík (ČSOB EU Center),  Jan-Evert Post (CTP),  Menno Rubbens (cepezedprojects) , Arend van de Beek (Lagemaat Remolition company).

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